Mobile app Development
Xamarin or React mobile apps for Android and iOS
that seamlessly integrate with your business apps
Mobile App Development Mauritius
nVisionIT is a leading mobile app development company in Mauritius, serving enterprise customers in Mauritius, South Africa, and the USA. We specialize in developing mobile applications that seamlessly integrate into overall business solutions. Whether it’s online or offline, our team has expertise in developing Hybrid Web, Progressive Web Applications, and Full Native apps tailored to meet your specific requirements.
Choosing the right mobile application development platform is crucial, considering factors such as budget, desired features, user expectations, and time constraints. Making the wrong choice can result in costly delays. At nVisionIT Mauritius, we understand this challenge. Our iterative approach allows us to test and refine the development strategy early on, ensuring optimal results as our understanding of the application evolves.
Partner with nVisionIT Mauritius for reliable and efficient mobile app development solutions that meet the unique needs of your business. Contact us today to discuss your mobile app project requirements.
Please note that this modified text emphasizes mobile app development for Mauritius while incorporating relevant SEO-friendly terms and considerations.

Enabling Technologies
Xamarin Native App
Benefit from the speed of development, ease of maintenance and cost savings by opting for a single development of your mobile applications by our team in Mauritius. Xamarin Native is compiles into a native application – which is significantly faster than Hybrid / Cordova based apps.
Native iOS App
Native apps are best build where performance is required e.g. 3D and data analysis. However, separate apps need to be developed for Android.
Native Android App
Native apps are best build where performance is required e.g. augmented reality, games. However, separate apps need to be developed for iOS.
Hybrid App
The most cost-effective technology to build a cross-platform mobile application, Hybrid apps are fast to develop. This technology is suitable for business needs of South African companies.